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Helper to add drag and drop functionality to JSKOS items.


import { utils } from "jskos-vue"
const { draggedItem, dragstart, dragend, addDropzone } = utils.dragAndDrop


A reactive reference to the currently dragged item. (null if no item is being dragged.)

dragstart(item), dragend()

Can be used to define a draggable item. (See below on how to use this.)

addDropzone(element, callback)

Defines a new dropzone. (See below on how to use this.)

Defining a Draggable Item

Any element can be defined as a draggable item. ItemName and rows in ItemList are draggable by default. To define an element as draggable, you need to set its draggable property to true and define event handlers for dragstart and dragend which are exported by utils.dragAndDrop.

  @dragstart="dragstart({ uri: 'some:item' })"
  Some item

Defining a Dropzone

Any element can be defined as a dropzone and can therefore receive item drops. ItemDetails is a dropzone by default. To define a dropzone, you need to use the addDropzone function that is exported by utils.dragAndDrop. It needs to be called separately for every dropzone. It receives two parameters and returns an object with several properties.

addDropzone Parameters

  • element - a reference to a DOM element
    • optional, but if not given, the event handlers dragover, dragenter, dragleave, and drop need to be defined manually on the element
  • callback (function) - a function that is called when an item is dropped on the dropzone
    • The first parameter will be the dropped item (which is the same as draggedItem that is exported by utils.dragAndDrop).
    • The other parameters are any additional parameters that are providing to drop (usually none).

addDropzone Returned Object Properties

  • isDraggingOver (boolean) - a reactive boolean reference that is true if an item is currently being dragged over the dropzone
    • Requires dragenter and dragleave events to be defined.
  • dragover - dragover event handler (required to enable drops)
    • Will be added to element if given.
    • If no element is given, this has to be defined manually on the dropzone element.
  • dragenter - dragenter event handler
    • Will be added to element if given.
    • If no element is given, this can optionally be defined manually on the dropzone element to enable isDraggingOver to work.
  • dragleave - dragleave event handler
    • Will be added to element if given.
    • If no element is given, this can optionally be defined manually on the dropzone element to enable isDraggingOver to work.
  • drop - drop event handler (required to enable drops)
    • Will be added to element if given.
    • If no element is given, this has to be defined manually on the dropzone element.

See the following examples for how this is used in practice.


Basic Example

Currently dragging:

Start dragging an item
This zone does not change, but you can drop an item here.
<script setup>
import { onMounted } from "vue"
import { utils } from "jskos-vue"
const { draggedItem, dragstart, dragend, addDropzone } = utils.dragAndDrop
const {
} = addDropzone(null, (item) => {
  alert(`Dropped item with URI ${item.uri}`)
// We need to use onMounted so that dropzone is mounted in DOM
onMounted(() => {
  addDropzone(document.getElementById("dropzone"), (item) => {
    alert(`Dropped item with URI ${item.uri}`)
const items = [
  { notation: ["1"] },
  { notation: ["2"] },
  { notation: ["3"] },
].map(i => ({ ...i, uri: `item:${i.notation[0]}`, prefLabel: { en: `Item ${i.notation[0]}` } }))

  Currently dragging: {{ draggedItem && draggedItem.uri }}

  <!-- Defining draggable items -->
    v-for="item in items"
    {{ item.uri }}

  <!-- Dropzone with manually set events and conditional CSS classes -->
      drag: draggedItem,
      noDrag: !draggedItem,
      draggingOver: isDraggingOver,
    {{ draggedItem ? "Try to drop the item here" : "Start dragging an item" }}

  <!-- Dropzone that we can get by ID; no conditional CSS classes -->
    style="height: 100px;">
    This zone does not change, but you can drop an item here.

.drag, .noDrag {
  height: 50px;
  width: 250px;
  margin: 20px;
  padding: 10px;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  text-align: center;
  border: 1px solid black;
.drag {
  border-style: dashed;
.draggingOver {
  background-color: red;

Example with ItemName/ItemList/ItemDetails

You can drop an item here.

Single item: 1 Item 1


1 Item 1
2 Item 2
3 Item 3

ItemDetails (is a dropzone by default):

3 Item 3
  • item:3 (URI)
  • Item 3
<script setup>
import { onMounted } from "vue"
import { utils, ItemName, ItemList, ItemDetails } from "jskos-vue"
const { draggedItem, dragstart, dragend, addDropzone } = utils.dragAndDrop
// We need to use onMounted so that dropzone2 is mounted in DOM
onMounted(() => {
  addDropzone(document.getElementById("dropzone2"), (item) => {
    alert(`Dropped item with URI ${item.uri}`)
const items = [
  { notation: ["1"] },
  { notation: ["2"] },
  { notation: ["3"] },
].map(i => ({ ...i, uri: `item:${i.notation[0]}`, prefLabel: { en: `Item ${i.notation[0]}` } }))
// Selected item for ItemDetails
const selected = ref(items[2])

    style="height: 100px; width: 250px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border: 1px solid black;">
    You can drop an item here.
  Single item: <item-name :item="items[0]" />
  <item-list :items="items" />
  ItemDetails (is a dropzone by default):

    @select="selected = $event.item" />