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Represents a JSKOS item (concept or concept scheme) with its notation and label.

Uses dragAndDrop and is draggable by default.


  • item (object) - JSKOS item
    • required
  • showNotation (boolean) - whether to show the item's notation
    • default: true
  • showLabel (boolean) - whether to show the item's label (prefLabel)
    • default: true
  • fallbackLabel (string) - string that will be shown if both notation and label are empty
    • default: "???"
  • language (string) - preferred language for the label
  • clickable (boolean) - adjusts mouse pointer and text decoration on hover if true
    • default: false
  • draggable (boolean) - whether the item is draggable
    • default: true

Plugins for notations and labels

You can adjust how notations/labels are processed in ItemName by providing plugins. A plugin is a simple function that receives the current label/notation and the component's props as parameters and returns the processed label/notation. Plugins can be added on the imported component directly using the provided addLabelPlugin and addNotationPlugin methods.

For example, you can use the following snippet to add trailing zeros to DDC notations in the first two levels:

import { ItemName } from "jskos-vue"
ItemName.addNotationPlugin((notation, { item }) => {
  let fill = ""
  // For DDC and SDNB only: fill number notation with trailing zeros
  if ({
    uri : "",
    identifier : [
  }, item.inScheme && item.inScheme[0]) && !isNaN(parseInt(notation))) {
    while (notation.length + fill.length < 3) {
      fill += "0"
  if (fill.length) {
    // Using the shared `jskos-vue-text-lightGrey` CSS class
    notation += `<span class='jskos-vue-text-lightGrey'>${fill}</span>`
  return notation


Change language: - - -

  • EX
  • EX Example
  • ???
    Change language:
      v-for="(language, index) in state.languages"
      @click="state.languages.move(index, 0)">
      {{ language }}
    </button> -
      v-for="(concept, index) in concepts"
      <item-name :item="concept" />

<script setup>
import { reactive } from "vue"
import { ItemName } from "jskos-vue"
import * as jskos from "jskos-tools"

// Setup jskos-tools' languagePreference
const state = reactive({
  languages: ["en", "de", "fr"],
}) = state
jskos.languagePreference.path = "languages"

// Add move method to arrays
Array.prototype.move = function(from, to) {
  this.splice(to, 0, this.splice(from, 1)[0])
  return this

const concept1 = {
  notation: ["EX"],
const concept2 = {
  notation: ["EX"],
  prefLabel: {
    en: "Example",
    de: "Beispiel",
    fr: "Exemple",
const concept3 = {}

const concepts = [