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Component to display a concept tree.


  • modelValue (object, v-model) - currently selected concept
    • default: null
  • concepts (array) - array of JSKOS concepts to be displayed
    • required
  • hierarchy (boolean) - whether to display concept hierarchy (via narrower property)
    • default: true
  • itemListOptions (object) - options that are passed along to ItemList via v-bind
    • default: {}


  • beforeList: Content shown above list.
  • afterList: Content shown below list.
  • beforeItem: Content shown before an item (includes parameter item that contains the concept).
  • afterItem: Content shown after an item (includes parameter item that contains the concept).



  • select
    • Emitted when a concept is selected.
    • Parameter is an object with properties item (containing the clicked JSKOS concept) and row (containing a boolean which is true when the click was initiated via the row, not on the item directly).
  • open
    • Emitted when a concept's narrower concepts are opened.
    • Parameter is the JSKOS concept.
  • close
    • Emitted when a concept's narrower concepts are closed.
    • Parameter is the JSKOS concept.
  • update:modelValue
    • Used to push changes to v-model value. Will always be emitted together with select.

CSS Variables

  • --jskos-vue-conceptTree-selected-bgColor - row background color for selected concept (v-model)
    • default: #fdbd58aa
  • --jskos-vue-conceptTree-hover-bgColor - row hover background color
    • default: #fdbd58aa


Selected: none

Loading concepts...
<script setup>
import { ConceptTree } from "jskos-vue"
import * as jskos from "jskos-tools"
import * as cdk from "cocoda-sdk"
import { reactive, onMounted } from "vue"

let registry
const state = reactive({
  scheme: null,
  async loadScheme() {
    this.scheme = (await registry.getSchemes({
      params: {
        uri: "",
  concepts: null,
  async loadConcepts() {
    this.concepts = jskos.sortConcepts(await this.scheme._getTop())
  async loadNarrower(concept) {
    if (concept.narrower && !concept.narrower.includes(null)) {
    concept.narrower = jskos.sortConcepts(await concept._getNarrower())
  selected: null,

onMounted(async () => {
  registry = cdk.initializeRegistry({
    provider: "ConceptApi",
    api: "",
  await state.loadScheme()
  await state.loadConcepts()

const alert = (...args) => window.alert(...args)

    Selected: {{ state.selected && state.selected.uri || "none" }}
    style="height: 400px; overflow: auto; border: 2px solid #0001;"
    <template v-slot:beforeItem="{ item }">
        style="margin-right: 5px;"
        @click.stop="alert(`Clicked on Star for item ${item.uri}`)">
    <template v-slot:afterItem="{ item }">
        style="position: absolute; width: 20px; right: 2px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%);"
        @click.stop="alert(`Clicked on Rocket for item ${item.uri}`)">
  <div v-else>
    Loading concepts...

.opacity-hover:hover {
  opacity: 50%;