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A list of JSKOS items with their notation and label.

Uses ItemName. Also uses dragAndDrop and rows are draggable by default.


  • items (array) - array of objects
    • required
  • itemProperty (string) - defines which property on the objects contains the JSKOS item
    • by default, the objects themselves will be considered the JSKOS items
  • rowMode (boolean) - if enabled, the whole row will have a background color on hover (CSS var --jskos-vue-itemList-hover-bgColor) and be clickable
    • default: true
  • draggable (boolean) - whether the item is draggable
    • default: true
    • This will also set itemNameOptions.draggable if it's not set separately.
  • itemNameOptions (object) - options that are passed along to ItemName via v-bind
  • indicatorByUri (object) - object that maps item URIs to either color strings or boolean values
    • If either a color or true is given for a particular item, an indicator will be shown to the right side of the item in the list.
    • Note that lists use the full width of the page, so it makes sense to define a maximum width to make sure indicators can be associated with the right item.
  • highlightByUri (object) - object that maps item URIs to either color strings or boolean values
    • If either a color or true is given for a particular item, a highlight background color will be used for that item (CSS var --jskos-vue-conceptTree-selected-bgColor by default).


  • beforeList: Content shown above list.
  • afterList: Content shown below list.
  • beforeItem: Content shown before an item (includes parameter item).
  • afterItem: Content shown after an item (includes parameter item).


  • isUriInView(uri, partial = 60) - checks whether a certain item (via its URI) is currently in view
    • By default, it will return true when the item's element is at least 60% visible. To only return true when it is fully visible, set partial to false.
  • scrollToUri(uri, onlyIfNotInView = false) - scrolls the item list to a certain item via its URI
    • When onlyIfNotInView is given, scrolling only occurs if the item is not already visible (using isUriInView's default).


  • select
    • Emitted when an item or a row (if rowMode prop is true) is clicked.
    • Parameter is an object with properties item (containing the clicked JSKOS item) and row (containing a boolean which is true when the click was initiated via the row, not on the item directly).

CSS Variables

  • --jskos-vue-itemList-hover-bgColor - row hover background color (for rowMode = true)
    • default: #fdbd58aa
  • --jskos-vue-itemList-indicator-color - default indicator color (for true values)
    • default: green


Default, clickable = true, with indicators and slot

0 Concept no. 0
1 Concept no. 1 🚀
2 Concept no. 2
3 Concept no. 3
4 Concept no. 4
5 Concept no. 5
6 Concept no. 6
7 Concept no. 7
8 Concept no. 8
9 Concept no. 9
10 Concept no. 10 🚀
11 Concept no. 11 🚀
12 Concept no. 12 🚀
13 Concept no. 13 🚀
14 Concept no. 14 🚀
15 Concept no. 15 🚀

rowMode = false, with itemNameOptions

0 Concept no. 0
1 Concept no. 1
2 Concept no. 2
3 Concept no. 3
4 Concept no. 4
  <h3>Default, clickable = true, with indicators and slot</h3>
      'uri:2': true,
      'uri:3': true,
      'uri:12': 'blue',
      'uri:13': 'yellow',
      'uri:14': 'black',
    <template v-slot:afterItem="{ item }">
      <!-- Show a rocket after all items with URIs starting with 1 -->
      <template v-if="item.uri.startsWith('uri:1')">

  <h3>rowMode = false, with itemNameOptions</h3>
    :items="concepts.slice(0, 5)"
      clickable: true,
      draggable: false,
    @select="select" />

<script setup>
import { ItemList } from "jskos-vue"

const concepts = []
for (let i = 0; i <= 15; i += 1) {
    uri: `uri:${i}`,
    notation: [`${i}`],
    prefLabel: {
      en: `Concept no. ${i}`,

const select = ({ item, row }) => {
  alert(`Item with URI ${item.uri} selected (row: ${row}).`)