
const mappingTypes = require("./mapping-types.json")

 * JSKOS Concept Types indexed by primary name.
 * @memberof module:jskos-tools
const objectTypes = {
  Concept: {
    type: [""],
  ConceptScheme: {
    type: [""],
  ConceptMapping: {
    type: => type.uri),
  ConceptOccurrence: {
    type: [
  Registry: {
    type: [
  Distribution: {
    type: [
  Concordance: {
    type: [
  Resource: {},
  Item: {},
  ConceptBundle: {},
  Annotation: {
    type: [

// build lookup table
const objectTypeUris = Object.keys(objectTypes).reduce((map, name) => {
  for (let uri of (objectTypes[name].type || [])) {
    map[uri] = name
  return map
}, {})

 * Guess the JSKOS Concept Type name from an object or name.
 * @memberof module:jskos-tools
 * @param {object|string} jskos|name|uri object or string to guess from
 * @param {boolean} shortname return short name if enabled (false by default)
function guessObjectType(obj, shortname=false) {
  var type
  if (typeof obj === "string" && obj) {
    if (obj in objectTypeUris) {
      // given by URI
      type = objectTypeUris[obj]
    } else {
      // given by name
      obj = obj.toLowerCase().replace(/s$/,"")
      type = Object.keys(objectTypes).find(name => {
        const lowercase = name.toLowerCase()
        if (lowercase === obj || lowercase === "concept" + obj) {
          return true
  } else if (typeof obj === "object") {
    if (obj.type) {
      let types = Array.isArray(obj.type) ? obj.type : [obj.type]
      for (let uri of types) {
        if (uri in objectTypeUris) {
          type = objectTypeUris[uri]
  return (shortname && type) ? type.toLowerCase().replace(/^concept(.+)/, "$1") : type

module.exports = { objectTypes, guessObjectType }