
import BaseProvider from "./base-provider.js"
import jskos from "jskos-tools"
import * as _ from "../utils/lodash.js"
import * as errors from "../errors/index.js"
import { listOfCapabilities } from "../utils/index.js"

 * Skosmos API.
 * [Skosmos]( is a web application to publish SKOS-based vocabularies.
 * This class provides access to a Skosmos instance via its REST API.
 * To use it in a registry, specify `provider` as "SkosmosApi" and provide the API base URL as `api`:
 * ```json
 * {
 *  "uri": "",
 *  "provider": "SkosmosApi",
 *  "api": "",
 *  "schemes": [
 *    {
 *      "uri": "",
 *      "VOCID": "stw"
 *    }
 *  ]
 * }
 * ```
 * Currently, it is not possible to query a list of concept schemes from the API, so you need to provide this list including a `VOCID` for every scheme.
 * Additionally, the following JSKOS properties can be provided: `prefLabel`, `notation`, `definition`
 * @extends BaseProvider
 * @category Providers
export default class SkosmosApiProvider extends BaseProvider {

   * @private
  _prepare() {
    this.has.schemes = true = true = true
    this.has.concepts = true
    this.has.narrower = true
    this.has.ancestors = true
    this.has.types = true
    this.has.suggest = true = true
    // Explicitly set other capabilities to false
    listOfCapabilities.filter(c => !this.has[c]).forEach(c => {
      this.has[c] = false

   * Used by `registryForScheme` (see src/lib/CocodaSDK.js) to determine a provider config for a concept schceme.
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {Object} options.url API URL for BARTOC instance
   * @param {Object} options.scheme scheme for which the config is requested
   * @returns {Object} provider configuration
  static _registryConfigForBartocApiConfig({ url, scheme } = {}) {
    if (!url || !scheme) {
      return null
    const config = {}
    const match = url.match(/(.+\/)([^/]+)\/$/)
    if (!match) {
      return null
    config.api = match[1] + "rest/v1/"
    scheme.VOCID = match[2]
    config.schemes = [scheme]
    return config

   * @private
  get _language() {
    return this.languages[0] || this._defaultLanguages[0] || "en"

   * @private
  _getApiUrl(scheme, endpoint, params) {
    const VOCID = scheme && scheme.VOCID || _.get(this.schemes.find(s =>, scheme)), "VOCID")
    if (!VOCID) {
      throw new errors.InvalidOrMissingParameterError({ parameter: "scheme", message: "Missing scheme or VOCID property on scheme" })
    endpoint = endpoint || ""
    params = params || {}
    if (!params.lang) {
      params.lang = this._language
    const paramString = Object.keys(params).map(k => `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(params[k])}`).join("&")
    return `${this._api.api}${VOCID}${endpoint}${paramString ? "?" + paramString : ""}`

   * @private
  _getDataUrl(concept, { addFormatParameter = true } = {}) {
    const scheme = _.get(concept, "inScheme[0]")
    if (!concept || !concept.uri) {
      throw new errors.InvalidOrMissingParameterError({ parameter: "concept", message: "Missing concept URI" })
    return this._getApiUrl(scheme, "/data", addFormatParameter ? { format: "application/json" } : {})

   * Returns the main vocabulary URI by requesting the scheme info and saving it in a cache.
   * @private
  async _getSchemeUri(scheme) {
    this._approvedSchemes = this._approvedSchemes || []
    this._rejectedSchemes = this._rejectedSchemes || []
    let _scheme = this._approvedSchemes.find(s =>, s))
    if (_scheme) {
      return _scheme.uri
    // Return null if it was already rejected
    if (this._rejectedSchemes.find(s =>, s))) {
      return null
    // Otherwise load scheme data and save in approved/rejected schemes
    const url = this._getApiUrl(scheme, "/")
    const data = await this.axios({
      method: "get",
    const resultScheme = data.conceptschemes.find(s =>, scheme))
    if (resultScheme) {
        uri: resultScheme.uri,
        identifier: jskos.getAllUris(scheme),
      return resultScheme.uri
    } else {
        uri: scheme.uri,
        identifier: scheme.identifier,
      return null

   * @private
  _toJskosConcept(skosmosConcept, { concept, scheme, result, language } = {}) {
    if (!skosmosConcept) {
      return null
    concept = jskos.deepCopy(concept || {})
    language = language || skosmosConcept.lang || "en"

    concept.uri = skosmosConcept.uri

    // Set inScheme
    if (scheme) {
      concept.inScheme = [scheme]

    // Set prefLabel
    let prefLabel = skosmosConcept.matchedPrefLabel || skosmosConcept.prefLabel || skosmosConcept.label
    if (_.isString(prefLabel)) {
      _.set(concept, `prefLabel.${language}`, prefLabel)
    } else {
      if (prefLabel && !_.isArray(prefLabel)) {
        prefLabel = [prefLabel]
      for (let label of prefLabel || []) {
        _.set(concept, `prefLabel.${label.lang}`, label.value)

    // Set altLabel
    let altLabel = skosmosConcept.altLabel
    if (_.isString(altLabel)) {
      _.set(concept, `altLabel.${language}`, [altLabel])
    } else {
      if (altLabel && !_.isArray(altLabel)) {
        altLabel = [altLabel]
      for (let label of altLabel || []) {
        if (_.get(concept, `altLabel.${label.lang}`)) {
          concept.altLabel[label.lang] = _.uniq(concept.altLabel[label.lang])
        } else {
          _.set(concept, `altLabel.${label.lang}`, [label.value])

    // Set notation
    const notation = skosmosConcept.notation || skosmosConcept["skos:notation"] || jskos.notation(concept)
    if (notation) {
      // notation can be string or object, so we're trying notation.value first
      concept.notation = [notation.value || notation]

    // Set broader
    if (skosmosConcept.broader) {
      if (!_.isArray(skosmosConcept.broader)) {
        skosmosConcept.broader = [skosmosConcept.broader]
      concept.broader = => _.isString(concept) ? { uri: concept } : concept)

    // Set narrower
    if (skosmosConcept.hasChildren === true) {
      concept.narrower = [null]
    } else if (skosmosConcept.hasChildren === false) {
      concept.narrower = []

    // Set type
    if (skosmosConcept.type && !_.isArray(skosmosConcept.type)) {
      skosmosConcept.type = [skosmosConcept.type]
    concept.type = concept.type || []
    for (let type of skosmosConcept.type || []) {
      if (!jskos.isValidUri(type)) {
      const uriScheme = type.slice(0, type.indexOf(":"))
      // Try to find uriScheme in @context
      if (result && result["@context"] && result["@context"][uriScheme]) {
        type = type.replace(uriScheme + ":", result["@context"][uriScheme])
    concept.type = _.uniq(concept.type)
    if (!concept.type.length) {
      concept.type = [""]

    return concept

   * Returns all concept schemes.
   * @param {Object} config
   * @returns {Object[]} array of JSKOS concept scheme objects
  async getSchemes({ ...config } = {}) {
    const schemes = []
    for (let scheme of this.schemes || []) {
      const url = this._getApiUrl(scheme, "/")
      const data = await this.axios({
        method: "get",
      const resultScheme = data.conceptschemes.find(s =>, scheme))
      const label = resultScheme && (resultScheme.prefLabel || resultScheme.label || resultScheme.title)
      if (label) {
        _.set(scheme, `prefLabel.${this._language}`, label)
      // Also add scheme to approved schemes
      this._approvedSchemes = this._approvedSchemes || []
      if (!this._approvedSchemes.find(s =>, s))) {
          uri: resultScheme.uri,
          identifier: jskos.getAllUris(scheme),
    return schemes

   * Returns top concepts.
   * @param {Object} config
   * @param {Object} config.scheme concept scheme
   * @returns {Object[]} array of JSKOS concept scheme objects
  async getTop({ scheme, ...config }) {
    const url = this._getApiUrl(scheme, "/topConcepts")
    const schemeUri = await this._getSchemeUri(scheme)
    if (!schemeUri) {
      throw new errors.InvalidOrMissingParameterError({ parameter: "scheme", message: "Missing or unsupported scheme or VOCID property on scheme" })
    _.set(config, "params.scheme", schemeUri)
    const response = await this.axios({
      method: "get",
    const concepts = []
    for (let concept of response.topconcepts || []) {
      const newConcept = this._toJskosConcept(concept, {
        language: this._language,
      newConcept.topConceptOf = [scheme]
    return concepts

   * Returns details for a list of concepts.
   * @param {Object} config
   * @param {Object[]} config.concepts list of concept objects to load
   * @returns {Object[]} array of JSKOS concept objects
  async getConcepts({ concepts, ...config }) {
    if (!_.isArray(concepts)) {
      concepts = [concepts]
    concepts = => ({ uri: c.uri, inScheme: c.inScheme }))
    const newConcepts = []
    for (let concept of concepts) {
      const url = this._getDataUrl(concept, { addFormatParameter: false })
      if (!url) {
      const result = await this.axios({
        method: "get",
        params: {
          uri: concept.uri,
          format: "application/json",
      const resultConcept = result && result.graph && result.graph.find(c =>, concept))
      if (resultConcept) {
        const newConcept = this._toJskosConcept(resultConcept, { concept, result })
        // Set broader/narrower
        for (let type of ["broader", "narrower"]) {
          let relatives = resultConcept[type] || newConcept[type]
          if (relatives && !_.isArray(relatives)) {
            relatives = [relatives]
          if (!relatives) {
            relatives = []
          newConcept[type] = => this._toJskosConcept(result.graph.find(c =>, r)), { scheme: concept.inScheme[0], result }))
          // if (relatives.length) {
          //   newConcept[type] = [null]
          // } else {
          //   newConcept[type] = []
          // }
        // Set ancestors to empty array
        // ?
        newConcept.ancestors = []
        // Push to array
    return newConcepts

   * Returns narrower concepts for a concept.
   * @param {Object} config
   * @param {Object} config.concept concept object
   * @returns {Object[]} array of JSKOS concept objects
  async getNarrower({ concept, ...config }) {
    if (!concept || !concept.uri) {
      throw new errors.InvalidOrMissingParameterError({ parameter: "concept" })
    const scheme = concept.inScheme[0]
    const url = this._getApiUrl(scheme, "/children")
    _.set(config, "params.uri", concept.uri)
    const response = await this.axios({
      method: "get",
    const concepts = (response.narrower || []).map(c => this._toJskosConcept(c, { scheme }))
    return concepts

   * Returns ancestor concepts for a concept.
   * @param {Object} config
   * @param {Object} config.concept concept object
   * @returns {Object[]} array of JSKOS concept objects
  async getAncestors({ concept, ...config }) {
    if (!concept || !concept.uri) {
      throw new errors.InvalidOrMissingParameterError({ parameter: "concept" })
    const scheme = concept.inScheme[0]
    const url = this._getApiUrl(scheme, "/broaderTransitive")
    _.set(config, "params.uri", concept.uri)
    const response = await this.axios({
      method: "get",
    let ancestors = []
    let uri = concept.uri
    while (uri) {
      if (uri != concept.uri) {
        const ancestor = _.get(response, `broaderTransitive["${uri}"]`)
        ancestors = ancestors.concat([ancestor])
      uri = _.get(response, `broaderTransitive["${uri}"].broader[0]`)
    const concepts = => this._toJskosConcept(c, { scheme })).filter(c => c.uri != concept.uri)
    return concepts

   * Returns suggestion result in OpenSearch Suggest Format.
   * @param {Object} config
   * @param {string} search string
   * @param {Object} [config.scheme] concept scheme to search in
   * @param {number} [config.limit=100] maximum number of search results (default might be overridden by registry)
   * @param {string[]} [config.types=[]] list of type URIs
   * @returns {Array} result in OpenSearch Suggest Format
  async suggest(config) {
    config._raw = true
    const concepts = await
    const result = [, [], [], []]
    for (let concept of concepts) {
      const notation = jskos.notation(concept)
      const label = jskos.prefLabel(concept)
      result[1].push((notation ? notation + " " : "") + label)
    if (concepts._totalCount != undefined) {
      result._totalCount = concepts._totalCount
    } else {
      result._totalCount = concepts.length
    return result

   * Returns concept search results.
   * @param {Object} config
   * @param {string} search string
   * @param {Object} [config.scheme] concept scheme to search in
   * @param {number} [config.limit=100] maximum number of search results (default might be overridden by registry)
   * @param {string[]} [config.types=[]] list of type URIs
   * @returns {Array} array of JSKOS concept objects
  async search({ search, scheme, limit, types = [], ...config }) {
    const url = this._getApiUrl(scheme, "/search")
    _.set(config, "params.query", `${search}*`)
    _.set(config, "params.unique", 1)
    _.set(config, "params.maxhits", limit || 100)
    _.set(config, "params.type", types.join(" "))
    const response = await this.axios({
      method: "get",
    const concepts = (response.results || []).map(c => this._toJskosConcept(c, { scheme }))
    return concepts

   * Returns a list of types.
   * @param {Object} config
   * @param {Object} [config.scheme] concept scheme to load types for
   * @returns {Object[]} array of JSKOS type objects
  async getTypes({ scheme, ...config }) {
    const url = this._getApiUrl(scheme, "/types")
    const types = []
    const response = await this.axios({
      method: "get",
    for (let type of (response && response.types) || []) {
      // Skip SKOS type Concept
      if (type.uri == "") {
      // Set prefLabel if available
      if (type.label) {
        type.prefLabel = {
          [response["@context"]["@language"]]: type.label,
        delete type.label
    types._url = url
    return types


SkosmosApiProvider.providerName = "SkosmosApi"
SkosmosApiProvider.providerType = ""