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GBV Ontology

Jakob Voß (VZG)

2014-06-30 (version rev3)

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

This ontology defines some concepts used by the GBV library network. The ontology may include experimental parts.

1.1 Status of this document

The ontology is available in form of this document and:

All forms are generated from a source file written in Pandoc Markdown syntax.1 Sources and updates are available at

This is version rev3, last modified at 2014-06-30 with revision 4605b9b.

Feedback is welcome!

Revision history

1.2 Namespaces and ontology

The URI namespace of this ontology is The namespace prefix gbv is recommended. The URI of this ontology as a whole is

@prefix gbv: <> .
@base        <> .

The following namespace prefixes are used to refer to [related ontologies]:

@prefix cc:   <> .
@prefix daia: <> .
@prefix dct:  <> .
@prefix dct:  <> .
@prefix owl:  <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix voaf: <> .
@prefix void: <> .
@prefix vs:   <> .
@prefix xsd:  <> .

The GBV Ontology is defined in RDF/Turtle as following:

<> a owl:Ontology, voaf:Vocabulary ;
    dct:title "GBV Ontology" ;
    rdfs:label "GBV" ;
    vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "gbv" ;
    vann:preferredNamespaceUri "" ;
    dct:description "Ontology of common concepts and relationships used in the GBV library network" ;
    dct:modified "2014-06-30"^^xsd:date ;
    owl:versionInfo "rev3" ;
    cc:license <> ;
    dct:creator "Jakob Voß" .

2 Properties

2.1 Datatype properties

2.1.1 gvkppn

gbv:gvkppn a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    rdfs:label "gvkppn"@en ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier ;
    rdfs:comment "PPN identifier within the GBV union catalog (GVK)"@en ;
    skos:scopeNote "a PPN in general identifies a record in any PICA database. This property must only be used to identity records in GVK."@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.1.2 iln

gbv:iln a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
  rdfs:label "iln"@en ;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier ;
  rdfs:comment "internal library number (ILN) as library identifier within the GBV"@en ;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.1.3 eln

gbv:eln a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
  rdfs:label "eln"@en ;
  rdfs:comment "external library number (ELN) as library identifier within the GBV"@en ;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier ;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.1.4 dbkey

gbv:dbkey a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
  rdfs:label "dbkey"@en ;
  rdfs:comment "database key, used as prefix in unAPI and at other APIs within the GBV"@en ;
  skos:scopeNote "must comply to the regular expression ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]$"@en ;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:identifier ;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.2 Object properties

2.2.1 opac

gbv:opac a owl:ObjectProperty ;
   rdfs:label "opac"@en ;
   rdfs:range void:Dataset ;
   rdfs:comment "main catalog of an institution"@en ;
   skos:scopeNote "the main catalog of a library usually contains records about its holdings, but the main catalog could also contain records that are not held by the institution."@en;
   rdfs:domain daia:Institution ;
   rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
   rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
   rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.2.2 srubase

gbv:srubase a owl:ObjectProperty ;
   rdfs:label "srubase"@en ;
   rdfs:domain void:Dataset ;
   rdfs:comment "SRU interface of a database"@en ;
   rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.2.3 picabase

gbv:picabase a owl:ObjectProperty ;
   rdfs:label "picabase"@en ;
   rdfs:domain void:Dataset ;
   rdfs:comment "PICA base URL of a database"@en ;
   rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.2.4 solrbase

gbv:solrbase a owl:ObjectProperty ;
   rdfs:label "solrbase"@en ;
   rdfs:domain void:Dataset ;
   rdfs:comment "Solr base URL of a database"@en ;
   rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.2.5 oaibase

gbv:oaibase a owl:ObjectProperty ;
   rdfs:label "oaibase"@en ;
   rdfs:domain void:Dataset ;
   rdfs:comment "OAI-PMH base URL of a database"@en ;
   rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

2.3 Datatypes

2.4 ppn

gbv:ppn a rdfs:Datatype ;
   rdfs:label "PPN identifier"@en ;
   rdfs:comment "A PPN in general identifies a record in a PICA database, but it does not indicate which database it comes from."@en ;
   rdfs:isDefinedBy gbv: .

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